Your Boyfriend – Is He Still Into You?


William Torneau

Girls have this question running through their minds constantly. Is he still into me? Did he just look at that girl in a sexual way? Am I as important to him as I used to be? All these questions can be answered by analyzing these few simple things that he does, and you’ll know if he’s worth keeping or not.


1.) Does he treat you like he used to? This is a good question when considering if the relationship is still going somewhere or not. It is very easy to tell if your boyfriend is still treating you the same way that he used to by merely comparing the past to the present. He used to bring you flowers once or twice a week. He used to take you out. He used to surprise you with gifts. But now, he doesn’t do any of that. Chances are that he’s not as into you as he used to be. This doesn’t mean he’s into someone else, this just means something has died in the relationship and one of you will have to work to get it back if you want it to still work. Even asking him what’s missing can help a lot, don’t just dump him if you answered no to the above questions, try to work it out, as this is an excellent indication that he’s not into it as much as he used to be.

2.) Does he look at other girls? Guys look at girls all the time. This is not because they want to “get with” these women but because they are bored and it’s something nice to look at, something they haven’t seen before. Looking at other girls is a great indication that your boyfriend isn’t having a good time with you and that maybe you two are doing the same stuff over and over again and it needs to change. He’s looking for something to keep him entertained. Guys aren’t as complicated as some girls think they are, they just want to be entertained. Even the smartest of businessmen do the things they do just because it entertains them. So entertain your boyfriend, and don’t blame it on him if he’s looking at some other girl, it’s most likely your fault.

Being open and upfront with your boyfriend can help to solve many problems down the road. Just because he’s looking at another girl or not bringing you flowers all the time like he used to doesn’t mean he’s not into you anymore, it means he’s just less into you than he used to be. Change things up with the relationship. Be spontaneous or get experimental in the bedroom. It’s all to entertain him and, trust me, if he’s entertained he will almost always shower you with attention.

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Your Boyfriend – Is He Still Into You?